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  • Does Lakota Work for Fibromyalgia?
  • Post author
    Reinhardt Hauk
  • Fibromyalgia

Does Lakota Work for Fibromyalgia?

FibromyalgiaMany people have asked if Lakota works for fibromyalgia. We do have a number of customers with fibromyalgia who use Lakota roll-on pain relievers to relieve pain at different sites on the body with great success.

Lakota Arthritis Roll-on can be used as it is odorless and works by blocking pain signals at the source. If you don’t mind a bit of menthol scent, the Back Pain Roll-on is highly recommended. It provides initial cooling of the painful site and long lasting pain relief.
  • Post author
    Reinhardt Hauk
  • Fibromyalgia

Comments on this post (9)

  • Jan 26, 2015

    Diane, we have had several customers use our product for Fibromyalgia and it has helped them. The capsules will help to reduce pain and inflammation, but it takes a little longer for it to work into your system. The topical will help to reduce pain immediately.

    — Lakota

  • Jan 26, 2015

    Judith, our product is not available in stores in the U.S. However, we do ship to the U.S. and shipping is free if you purchase over $49.00 in product. Please visit our website or call customer service at (877) 514-3132 to place an order.

    — Lakota

  • Jan 20, 2015

    Do you recommend the Likota capsules for fibromyalgia. What has your experience
    been for people using the capsules for this problem?
    Thank you,

    — Diane Patterson

  • Jan 20, 2015

    Where can I find Roll on Lakota in the US in a pharmacy etc. ? I need it now as I’m running out soon and won’t be going back to Canada for another week. Help!!

    — Judith

  • Jan 20, 2015

    I have been using lacota arthritis and muscle roll on for years . I have arthritis and fybromyalgia and I find it works better than any perscribed medication I have been given. I use it mostly at nightime as I have pain in various parts of my body that deprives me of sleep. It is wonderful and I can’t be without it. I am presently holidaying in Florida and can’t find the product even at Cosco where I usually purchase it in the large l50ml. bottle. Is it available in the US at any drugstore chains etc.? I live in the Toronto area in Canada.

    — Judith

  • Dec 03, 2014

    Joann, yes the capsules will also work to relieve pain and inflammation. It may take a little longer for it to absorb internally however.

    — Lakota

  • Dec 01, 2014

    Does the pills work as well?

    — joann pote

  • Nov 25, 2014

    Chris, you should apply the roll ons 3-4 times daily to the affected area. The solution absorbs into deep tissue which allows for a long period of relief. You should use the product for about 1 week for maximum results. Most people feel immediate relief while it takes a little longer for others. Our topical are normally $19.99, but check the website for all prices. If you purchase over $29.00 in product shipping is free to Canada, $49.00 for US orders. We offer a full money back guarantee as well so if there are any negative reactions we will reimburse you.

    — Lakota

  • Nov 24, 2014

    How long does it last for pain relief and how offten can it be applied during the day? Whaat are the cost and benifits of each. I need something that would help me that would not cause any more damage to my insides. This is why I’m changing my process. I also have a lot of medical ractions to medicans/ointments/lotions/etc.

    — chris

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