Don Peckham

HPI Health Products Inc. inc

J'avais un genou extrêmement douloureux et faible. J'ai utilisé du Lakota et mon genou s'est complètement amélioré. Je prends toujours du Lakota.

Don Peckham

St John's, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

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Hi Don:

Glad you are feeling better. I just started using Lakota last night.
Today, my knees are feeling a little better. I will continue to take

Over the last 3 years, I had 3 falls; two on my right knee and one on my left knee. I work on solid cement, so I am hoping that Lakota works for me. It looks like it will reduce my inflammation. That will be half the battle won. That’s about all.

Gayle McKenzie

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