Lakota est-il efficace contre la fibromyalgie ?

HPI Health Products Inc. inc
Fibromyalgie De nombreuses personnes ont demandé si Lakota était efficace contre la fibromyalgie. Nous avons un certain nombre de clients atteints de fibromyalgie qui utilisent les analgésiques à bille Lakota pour soulager la douleur à différents endroits du corps avec beaucoup de succès.

Le roll-on Lakota pour l'arthrite peut être utilisé car il est inodore et agit en bloquant les signaux de douleur à la source. Si un peu de parfum mentholé ne vous dérange pas, le roll-on pour le mal de dos est fortement recommandé. Il procure un refroidissement initial de la zone douloureuse et un soulagement durable de la douleur.
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9 commentaires

Diane, we have had several customers use our product for Fibromyalgia and it has helped them. The capsules will help to reduce pain and inflammation, but it takes a little longer for it to work into your system. The topical will help to reduce pain immediately.


Judith, our product is not available in stores in the U.S. However, we do ship to the U.S. and shipping is free if you purchase over $49.00 in product. Please visit our website or call customer service at (877) 514-3132 to place an order.


Do you recommend the Likota capsules for fibromyalgia. What has your experience
been for people using the capsules for this problem?
Thank you,

Diane Patterson

Where can I find Roll on Lakota in the US in a pharmacy etc. ? I need it now as I’m running out soon and won’t be going back to Canada for another week. Help!!


I have been using lacota arthritis and muscle roll on for years . I have arthritis and fybromyalgia and I find it works better than any perscribed medication I have been given. I use it mostly at nightime as I have pain in various parts of my body that deprives me of sleep. It is wonderful and I can’t be without it. I am presently holidaying in Florida and can’t find the product even at Cosco where I usually purchase it in the large l50ml. bottle. Is it available in the US at any drugstore chains etc.? I live in the Toronto area in Canada.


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