Soulagement durable des douleurs musculaires
Le roll-on pour douleurs musculaires Lakota est un médicament efficace pour soulager les douleurs musculaires. Appliquez-le après l'exercice ou tout type de surmenage.

L'ingrédient actif est un extrait naturel de poivre. Il a été démontré qu'il bloque les signaux de douleur à la source. Il est absorbé dans
Le muscle est stimulé et bloque la substance P, le neurotransmetteur de la douleur, réduisant ainsi le signal de la douleur. Cela vous permet de vous déplacer et de maintenir le muscle en mouvement pour accélérer la guérison des micro-déchirures résultant d'un effort excessif.
Disponible en pharmacie et ici en ligne. Essayez-le , ça marche !
Comments on this post (16)
Vinegar seems to neutralize the burning when skin becomes wet for some reason
— Sam
Please send me full info about Lakota products
Rsshid Bolar.
— Rashid Bolar
Tony, if you would like a copy of the Lakota Guide to Natural Pain Relief and subscribe to the quarterly newsletter please email your full name and address to
— Lakota
i would like to subscribe for the book
— tony
it work,that hot cream
— John slocumb
Mrs C. I can understand your concern with the expiry dates. However, when our product expires it only loses its potency. There should be no negative reaction due to expired products. If you have experienced a reaction, please consult with a physician.
— Lakota
I was wondering how important you consider expiry dates. I used the product without checking the date and had an allergic reaction.
— Mrs. C.
James, the burning sensation is caused by the active ingredient pepper. It is known to get hotter when went (as you stated burning when in the bath). If it gets too hot, wrap an ice pack in a towel to avoid condensation and apply it to the affected area.
— Lakota
My side burns when I have a bath after use of this cream !
Thank You in advance !— James Potter
Marsha, If you are looking for something to help with Fibromyalgia I would suggest trying the either the Arthritis roll on or the Back Pain roll on. Both will help to relive pain by blocking signals at the source.
— Lakota
need something for fibromyagia and rheumatoid arthritis
— Marsha Waxman
You can sign up for the print newsletter by emailing with your name, address, phone and a request to be added to the Mailing list.
— Lakota
hi i would like to get news letters and coupons too my son uses your products
— harold holmes
I would like to receive your free Lakota guide to natural pain book I,v already tried your products and I am still using them .
— pierrette gagne
We do send out coupons with the newsletter. If you subscribe to the Lakota Natural Pain Relief Newsletter, you will receive some coupons in the Summer 2014 issue.
— Reinhardt
— vickie faulkner