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  • Lakota est-il efficace contre la fibromyalgie ?
  • Post author
    Reinhardt Hauk
  • Fibromyalgia

Lakota est-il efficace contre la fibromyalgie ?

Fibromyalgie De nombreuses personnes ont demandé si Lakota était efficace contre la fibromyalgie. Nous avons un certain nombre de clients atteints de fibromyalgie qui utilisent les analgésiques à bille Lakota pour soulager la douleur à différents endroits du corps avec beaucoup de succès.

Le roll-on Lakota pour l'arthrite peut être utilisé car il est inodore et agit en bloquant les signaux de douleur à la source. Si un peu de parfum mentholé ne vous dérange pas, le roll-on pour le mal de dos est fortement recommandé. Il procure un refroidissement initial de la zone douloureuse et un soulagement durable de la douleur.
  • Post author
    Reinhardt Hauk
  • Fibromyalgia

Comments on this post (9)

  • janv. 26, 2015

    Diane, we have had several customers use our product for Fibromyalgia and it has helped them. The capsules will help to reduce pain and inflammation, but it takes a little longer for it to work into your system. The topical will help to reduce pain immediately.

    — Lakota

  • janv. 26, 2015

    Judith, our product is not available in stores in the U.S. However, we do ship to the U.S. and shipping is free if you purchase over $49.00 in product. Please visit our website or call customer service at (877) 514-3132 to place an order.

    — Lakota

  • janv. 20, 2015

    Do you recommend the Likota capsules for fibromyalgia. What has your experience
    been for people using the capsules for this problem?
    Thank you,

    — Diane Patterson

  • janv. 20, 2015

    Where can I find Roll on Lakota in the US in a pharmacy etc. ? I need it now as I’m running out soon and won’t be going back to Canada for another week. Help!!

    — Judith

  • janv. 20, 2015

    I have been using lacota arthritis and muscle roll on for years . I have arthritis and fybromyalgia and I find it works better than any perscribed medication I have been given. I use it mostly at nightime as I have pain in various parts of my body that deprives me of sleep. It is wonderful and I can’t be without it. I am presently holidaying in Florida and can’t find the product even at Cosco where I usually purchase it in the large l50ml. bottle. Is it available in the US at any drugstore chains etc.? I live in the Toronto area in Canada.

    — Judith

  • déc. 03, 2014

    Joann, yes the capsules will also work to relieve pain and inflammation. It may take a little longer for it to absorb internally however.

    — Lakota

  • déc. 01, 2014

    Does the pills work as well?

    — joann pote

  • nov. 25, 2014

    Chris, you should apply the roll ons 3-4 times daily to the affected area. The solution absorbs into deep tissue which allows for a long period of relief. You should use the product for about 1 week for maximum results. Most people feel immediate relief while it takes a little longer for others. Our topical are normally $19.99, but check the website for all prices. If you purchase over $29.00 in product shipping is free to Canada, $49.00 for US orders. We offer a full money back guarantee as well so if there are any negative reactions we will reimburse you.

    — Lakota

  • nov. 24, 2014

    How long does it last for pain relief and how offten can it be applied during the day? Whaat are the cost and benifits of each. I need something that would help me that would not cause any more damage to my insides. This is why I’m changing my process. I also have a lot of medical ractions to medicans/ointments/lotions/etc.

    — chris

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